well, this is because i am going to sit for an english exam tomorrow. it's final exam, people. i couldn't resist to study hard at this very critical moment. but still i write up this entry specially for all of you.
so, i would like to share with all of you on how to write an ACADEMIC REPORT WRITING. a good one, okay? see. all in english. i used 'okay' instead of 'ukeh', right? he he.
let's get it started, y'all.
okay based on my experience, first of all, my group and i, we picked a title or we usually called it an issue, and make a research on that particular issue. to get it more interesting, you need to choose a title based on any current issues. this will help you boost up your performance in the research. fresh issues, great discussions - all are easy to be found on the net.
next, follow this steps:
make a proposal for the research; include these :
- title, background information,
- statement of problem,
- purpose/objective,
- research questions,
- significance of the study,
- scope,
- methodology for data collection,
- work schedule, and
- call to action.
so, assuming your permission granted, you should then proceed with collecting data. there are two types or ways in collecting data.
- primary data
- observation
- questionnaire
- interview
- observation
- secondary data
- journal
- books
- magazine
- encyclopedia
- newspaper
- etc.
- journal
so next, it is advisable for you to send a draft for your lecturer views. you can submit as many draft as you want to ensure a better report in future. if you don't want to do so, it's okay. you can just proceed with your report. a full report. make sure to be more serious in preparing the full report because it is really important to have good and brilliant contents in it. take note on what i am going to tell you after this. a complete report should have these, people:
- abstract
- acknowledgements
- table of contents
- list of figures
- list of abbreviations
- introduction
- literature review
- methodology
- findings and discussion
- conclusion
- recommendations
- references
- appendices
after you seek for your lecturer's advises, you can finally submit your completed full report and feel proud of yourselves. don't just copy paste and edit some on others work, okay? make sure about that. okay. i think that's all for now. well, last but not least, good luck to ac-asiah and all my scj-ian friend, especially for your uhb2422 english final exam tomorrow. do the best. remember! do not study hard but study smart. just like me. he he. joke joke. okay. bai bai. eh? finally out of english all of a sudden? what a shame la me. alright alright. bye bye.
p/s : yeye o je alarm clock kat phone bunyik suruh buat permohonan kolej. padahal 7 april 2010 mula jam 10 pagi. semangat nak kp tak agak-agak. ukeh yok tido. kalau tido jam 10 akan sampai dengan segera. eh? malay language? saya sayang bahasa ibunda. hihi.
p/s/s : so, cukup berhabuk atau tidak? he he he.

bergaya la kau..haha, dgn lagu taylor swift kat bilik..u ready girl!
daya - paling bergaya kan aku. haha. now i go girl! =)
wow...ni mmg utk english kelas ke?
your english is good. :D
ayie - ha ha. ye la. special punye english class tau. anyway, thanks for the pujian. =)
eppiey - teruja ke tergendala? ha ha.
ok.. not bad.. but i think you have used to much comma in your sentence. Good luck in your exam!
eppiey - wahaha. bagus la kalau gitu. he he.
boss - thank you. well, i love comma! he he. =)
mase bace td rase cam tgh bace web site yg khas utk english stuff je hahaha
final exam ek???
wafa - wah! gila site khas untuk english. i ade class, gitu! he he. thank you for the wish. sabtu neh last paper, oyeh oyeh!
ggod luck exam...!
mizzura - thank you! =)
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