Jogging Environment.

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Finally, I went jogging at 5.50pm and start a leisure walk from U7 and down to K9. There were 9 of us - me myself, M, Ejat, Fara, Sue, Fadh, Nik, Izah, and Syaza. Ainun, my roommate refused to join us because she was busy sleeping. Haha. After a short walk, I started the jog with Nik since it was our first day. We were very excited and talking while jogging. We agreed that compare to our last semester, there were only sleeping time during the evening, especially after having a tired day. 

The last few ways of the jog to our destination - Tasik UTM, I continued my jog with Syaza. She is really good in this jog thing and anything that is similar to this activity. We watched Nabila inside her 'kayak' and did the 'kayak'ing stuff at that beautiful Tasik. Fadh and Ejat told me that the water in the Tasik were all drowned from all the water that UTM's residents used. It's great to know about it before I get into the Tasik and get to drink the water inside it probably by accident. Haha.

Fadh and I went for some view over the boy's hockey team training session. Fadh asked me to join the girl's hockey team but I think it's not the right time to give any commitment to it. Just like the Photo Creative Club. I love taking pictures and I would really glad to be apart of the club. However, I'm not sure whether I could fairly divide my study time and my activities time. But it's okay I think. As long as I could get myself ready to everything that I used to.

Anyway, I love the jogging environment today. I hope that I could do the jog every evening. To just look at the view of the Tasik delighted me lots. I didn't took any pictures of the Tasik because none of us brought our hand phones - except for Nik. But I forgot to lend it from her. Never mind. Maybe there will be other time that I could take lots of the view of that Tasik.

P/S : I forgot to bring any sock back to UTM. So, I borrowed a very cute red sock from Ainun. =)


cHik said...


kolej besya..

ley la..

jog jauh2..

seb bek kolej ak kecik..

jog ats katil jew..


itisrajah said...

ngade tau!