"Miss You Like Crazy"
I used to call you my girl
I used to call you my friend
I used to call you the love
The love that I never had
When I think of you
I don't know what to do
When will I see you again
I miss you like crazy
Even More than words can say
I miss you like crazy
Every minute of every day
Girl I'm so down when your love's not around
I miss you, miss you, miss you
I miss you like crazy
You are all that I want
You are all that I need
Can't you see how I feel
Can't you see that my pain's so real
When I think of you
I don't know what to do
When will I see you again

Tengah miss sapa la tu?
jantung itu bergetar. =)
eiii... tau pun.. i miss u too.. kate nak dtg sini????
cyza - haha. mane ade miss sape-sape. tuh kan lirik lagu je. hehe.
msfint - iye! memang sentiasa ada getarnya. mesti da selalu rasa, kan? rindu sape la tuh.
leeya - sayang. tak bgtau pon bile kau abes paper. mmg nk dtg. after raya, how?
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