Pity my friend. She has been accused by her own room mate for stealing. Her room mate lost one of her stuff. And for no reason, she decided to put the blame on my friend. My friend told me that she was really sad and shocked and disappointed at the same time because of the accusation by her own room mate. I feel sorry for her. I don't think she did the stealing because I have once been her room mate before in Matrix. I have no problem at that time. I have lost nothing except for my first Sony Ericsson Z550i phone which has been stolen by someone.
Back to my story. As far as I concern, my friend is well behave person. I know her well and we are quite close. I couldn't stop thinking on how could her own room mate accused her. The worst thing is that her room mate didn't ask my friend first but told the stealing problem to somebody else in front of her. She said from far but loud : "Muka cantik. Tapi mencuri.." . Oh. Tolonglah perempuan. Kenapa bodoh sangat? If I were you, I would never accused my own room mate la. Poor la that girl.
If she was my room mate and thing like this happen to me, I'll just go direct to her and say,
That is it! I will never give a face to anybody like that! Poor stingy dull dumb people. Huh! Thank God I have a very understanding and good and responsible and sweet room mate. (Puji da neh. Nak samosa! =P) I hope that I will not have any intention to put a blame on my room mate and same goes from her. I'll keep the realationship we have tight and safe.

Back to my story. As far as I concern, my friend is well behave person. I know her well and we are quite close. I couldn't stop thinking on how could her own room mate accused her. The worst thing is that her room mate didn't ask my friend first but told the stealing problem to somebody else in front of her. She said from far but loud : "Muka cantik. Tapi mencuri.." . Oh. Tolonglah perempuan. Kenapa bodoh sangat? If I were you, I would never accused my own room mate la. Poor la that girl.
If she was my room mate and thing like this happen to me, I'll just go direct to her and say,
"Eh mengong! Kau neh tak fikir ka? Takkan la aku nak mencuri barang rumet aku sendiri?! Ukeh la. Kalau aku mencuri pun, So What???! At least aku cantik. Nasib baik aku tak macam kau. Sudahlah tak cantik, buruk, bodoh pulak. Dahtu menuduh orang. Mengata lagi. Nasib baik la aku tak macam kau."
So, to my ever dearest friend, just be patient, okay? Learn from mistake. She is not a person that you should put your trust onto. Do something to prove that you are wrong. InsyaAllah, Allah will always be by your side, always be beside those who are right. I believe in you. Always do. Take care.

tak suka lah org men tuduh2 nie~ adah penah kena dulu... menyampah... rase nak je baling batu kat org tuh~ ntah pape kan? kan aja kan?
cian nya.....
sabaq na kt kwn hg tu.....
naik baik rmet hg sngt baik....
ckp kt miss enun, ak nk samosa gak..hehe
adah - mmg tah ape2.mengada btol.mcm tade otak pon iye gak.sabo sje la ye adah. =)
nik - hahaha.ala.kau xbulih samosa.kau kena mee goreng.hehe.
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