The other thing is that I had all my body uncomfort. Maybe it is because of the jogging thing I did yesterday. I didn't do the warming up before the jog and the cooling down after the jog. So, it might be the best reason why I feel really uneasy.
Mr Shahizan taught us a few a bout the Database Management System (DBMS) this morning. It was a really boring topic just like when I learned IT in my last semester with Mr Zaha. However, I think I would like to share about it in this blog later on. Orait. Till then. I'm going to go and eat Mee Hoon Tomyam with Ainun. Bismillah.

waa.. i din jog for 2 months :P hols nye psl
ngape ngan hols?
kalau hols xbulih jog ye?
sejak bile ad hobi jogg ni??
sejak aku sedar yg aku xkengkang.
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