I've submitted the paper work and the disk of the HCI Assignment 2 just now in the class. I'm glad that the lecturer finally said yes to my group paper work. Well, it was our last minute work, seriously. We started the analysis last night at about 8.30p.m (with Hong only). After Ainun returned back to room, the three of us work hard together get the work done. As I could remember, the time was about 2.45a.m. It was a good - a very good ending, I guess. And we satisfied with the work.
And now, it's time to start doing some revision on COA and SE since both subject will provide a test each this week. COA (tomorrow night) and SE (Saturday morning). So, tunggu ape lagi? Hehe. I better stop now. Pray for me. =)

And now, it's time to start doing some revision on COA and SE since both subject will provide a test each this week. COA (tomorrow night) and SE (Saturday morning). So, tunggu ape lagi? Hehe. I better stop now. Pray for me. =)

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