a. It’s harder than it’s looks...
kau nak aku translate ke hape neh? tade la susa. cuma leceh je, kot? hu hu.
b. Copy to your own notes...
no notes. just a blog.
c. Erase my answers...
d. Enter yours and tag twenty (20) people...
ramainye? i'll make it to 2, can ah?
please take this amin and apih sebab korang suke bagi aku award.
f. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following question. They have to be real. Nothing made up.If the person before u had the same first initial,u must use different answers.
iye, sure will.
g. You cannot use any word twice...
i got it.
h. You can’t use your name for the boy/girl name question...
eh, aku tau la.
Shall we start the game??
What is your name?
hajar - i love this name. mak ckp my aunt yang bagi nama neh. thank you, aunt.
4 letters word
hate - this is something that i never need in life; except for bad things.
A boy's name
haris - my ex-classmate back in stepo. da jadi arwah da pon.
A girls's name
hana - my ex-classmate back in smkj. pretty like me. ha ha.
An occupation
hunter - i like to hunt boys. ha ha.
hijau - tak suka sangat kaler neh. because i prefer grey.
Something you wear
hand's sock - masa mula-mula jadi remaja dulu pakai neh dengan lengan pendek. tapi aku tak suke. sebab i look seksi.
A food
hamburger - mcD! dulu suka cheeseburger. tapi sekarang suka big mac. sebab dia besar dan best!
Something found in bathroom
hairband - ade satu kaler grey. cantik beb. beli sendiri lagi!
A place
heaven - semua orang pon nak pegi sini, kan? tipu kalau cakap tanak.
A reason 4 being late
hungry - ye la. kalau da lapar, mesti lambat punye. sebab kena makan banyak.
Something u shout
hey - aku suka yang neh. mungkin sebab aku suka lagu hey soul sister kot?
A movie title
hairspray - tak penah tengok pon cite neh. best ke? john travolta, kan?
Something you drink
h20 - semua orang pon minum. bukan orang je. haiwan pon, tumbuhan pon.
A musical group
hard-fi - aku google je nama group neh.
An animal
hen - suka memekak. tapi kalau digoreng pon sodap!
A street name
hang tuah road - entah wujud ke tak aku pon tak pasti.
A type of car
honda - aku suka buatan malaysia. tapi selain dari buatan malaysia, aku suka yang neh la.
serious leceh buat tag neh. sebab kena banyak berfikir. dan aku benci bila aku perlu berfikir. anyway, done!
p/s: penulis yang baik adalah penulis yang gelisah. nasib baik aku gelisah. ha ha.

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